If you have any photos from TWHA shows that you would like to see on our website, please forward them to  twha_email@yahoo.com
​We would love to post them for you.

Go to the forms page and fill out your application and submit it with payment before the first show to ensure your points are counted.
Triangle Wide Horse Association
​                                           Show Awards
​​Ribbons are given out for the top 5 winners in each class. In addition, First Place winners in youth & Novice classes receive a trophy. First place winners in adult & open classes receive a prize valued at or above the entry fee.
                                                     Year End Awards
​TWHA holds an annual awards banquet. The Awards Program is designed to maximize the number of members eligible for an award. Members riding in at least 50% of TWHA shows are eligible for year end awards.
                                                   Special Medal Program
Open to ANY TWHA member & registered horse. Points for medal awards (gold, silver, and bronze) will be accumulated on the exhibitor only and not the Exhibitor/Horse combination. This allows exhibitors who show different horses throughout the year to be able to earn enough points for a medal award. NO 50% RESTRICTION ON PARTICIPATION … attendance at any number of shows earns eligibility as long as the Exhibitor earns minimum points as follows:
                                                   GOLD 75 or more POINTS
                                                      ​SILVER 74-50 POINTS
​                                                     BRONZE 49-25 POINTS
                                                  End of year Class Awards
​Grand & Reserve are given for classes that were held in at least 50% of the shows.
                                                  Overall High Point Awards
​Grand and Reserve Youth and Adult awards are given for Halter, Western, Hunt Seat, Saddle Seat, and Work Western divisions.
                                   TWHA “Super Team” Challenge Trophy
​This large perpetual trophy given to the Rider & Horse team, Youth and Adult, that accumulates the most points during the show season. The Trophy will be retired after being won three consecutive show seasons by the Same Horse and Rider combination. See Rule Book for detailed rules.​
                                            Youth Sportsmanship Award
​Each year, the Youth Sportsmanship Award is awarded by secret committee to the 18 and under TWHA participant who most exemplifies the values of friendliness, helpfulness, courage, compassion, respect, honor, and good sportsmanship. This youth gets to take the HUGE trophy home to keep and show off for one full year, have their name added to the list of former awardees on the trophy, receives a permanent plaque to go along with it, then returns the trophy at year end for another winner to receive next year. This award is the ultimate trophy for youth participants, because it shows everyone what a class act you are.​